Plastic-free Kandos Drop-in Workshop

Sunday 12 June 11am – 2pm Come along to our workshop. It’s open to everyone including families with children 4 years and over. Using jewellery-like techniques make your own distinctive garland to take home or to leave behind to gift to others, while chatting about plastics in our lives. Led by renowned plastics artist Rox …

A Message from Plastic Free July®

Back in 2020 when we were working on the Plastic-free Biennale project for NIRIN, a group of us met with Rebecca Prince Ruiz, the founder of Plastic Free July®. Amber Jones made a podcast from that conversation, which you can listen to here. We’ve stayed in touch with Rebecca, and she has kindly recorded a …

Announcing Plastic-free Kandos!

After a short pandemicky hiatus, the team that brought you Plastic-free Biennale is back! We’re taking the show to WAYOUT artspace in Kandos, with an expanded crew. Collaborating on the new Plastic-free Kandos project are the following legends: Juundaal Strang-Yettica, Rox De Luca, Amber Jones, Kim Williams, Lucas Ihlein, and Lilli Rodriguez-Pang. The exhibition includes …

New and Sustainable Materials Expo

Bravo Biennale of Sydney. In the last couple of years the organisation, under the leadership of Barbara Moore, has continued its push to transform the festival’s environmental choices. First, the Biennale appointed Jose Roca as the 2022 artistic director. His curatorial vision connects with many of the ideas we developed with the Biennale staff members …

Plastic-free Biennale at Goulburn Regional Gallery

A small selection of works from Plastic-free Biennale is on show at Goulburn Regional Gallery from 13 September to 23 October 2021. The above image shows a new work created for the exhibition, assembled on site by Goulburn’s excellent Sally O’Neill. Click on the image to see it very big! Thanks to fab curator Hannah …